READ: Albany Business Review Executive Forum, Why Small Businesses Need to Take Cybersecurity Seriously

Read the Albany Business Review’s Executive Forum interview, including several local business leaders and experts on cybersecurity, including OrbitalFire CEO Reg Harnish. This interview was originally recorded as a live panel.
“The biggest threat isn’t AI, wire fraud, or the threat du jour. The biggest threat is that organizations still struggle to understand what cybersecurity truly is and what its goals are,” says Reg Harnish, CEO of OrbitalFire Cybersecurity.
“As an owner, fiduciary, or someone responsible for the digital health of my organization, I want to focus on assessing my weaknesses and strengths and where my risks are, and then establishing a continuous improvement program such that I’m always building on my organization’s resiliency and defensibility.”
Read more in the Albany Business Review Executive Forum: Why small businesses need to take cybersecurity seriously, HERE.
To learn more about how OrbitalFire can help small businesses protect against cyber risk and comply with cybersecurity regulations, read more HERE.